CRG African History Aims

Why The CRG?

The findings of Africanist historians at an analytical, methodological and theoretical level, but also as part of the 'simple narrative' of larger histories, have the potential of enriching both history and African Studies as a whole, but remain largely unknown outside the field of African history itself. African history is still widely unknown and disregarded among a larger audience too. The CRG aims to change this, therewith introducing a less Eurocentric worldview among a larger public.

The aims of the CRG African History

  • To facilitate the exchange of information on African history related projects, events, venues and similar among Europe-based Africanist historians.
  • To enhance the visibility of African history within the European African Studies landscape and beyond, and thereby to deepen AEGIS as a network.
  • To promote collaboration between Europe-based Africanist historians within AEGIS and beyond.
  • To promote collaboration between Europe-based Africanist historians and Africanist historians on other continents, notably Africa.
  • To promote collaboration between Europe-based Africanist historians and other disciplines within African Studies and with historians in other field of history.
  • To promote knowledge on African history and the theoretical and methodological insights reached within African history among other disciplines or regional studies, and sub-disciplines within history.
  • To promote and disseminate works on African history to the larger public in Europe.

The activities of the CRG African History

  • Support or facilitate the organisation of conferences, conference panels or workshops (including AEGIS thematic conferences) by its participants/members, dealing with African history, but in connection to other disciplines and fields.
  • Support or facilitate members'/participants' joint application for research funding on a European or Global level (ESF, ERC, UNESCO, you name it).
  • Support or facilitate the dissemination of historical knowledge on Africa to the larger audience through popular literature, documentaries, Radio and TV broadcasts, exhibitions and similar.
  • Support or facilitate the organisation of 'summer schools' or doctoral school programmes for Ph.D., M. Phil. or M.A. students.
  • Support or facilitate the writing of handbooks or undergraduate textbooks on African History.
  • Support or facilitate the creation of a European journal dedicated to African history, but with inclusion of linked disciplines or regional studies fields (MENA, (Black) Atlantic Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Global Studies, World History, et cetera).
  • The creation of a comprehensive overview of all scholars working on African history in Europe and their research interests and topics, to facilitate contact between them.