Carter G. Woodson Institute advertising research positions

The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies at the University of Virginia ( advertises two research positions focused on Africa and/or the African Diaspora: 1) a two-year residential fellowship for pre-doctoral students (deadline 1 December 2023); and 2) a one-year renewable post-doctoral position. 

Two-year Residential Pre-Doc Fellowship focused on Africa or the African Diaspora

The Carter G. Woodson Institute's distinguished fellowship is a two-year residential fellowship for pre-doctoral students whose work focuses on Africa and/or the African Diaspora. Scholars selected for the fellowship will relocate to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia to join a cohort of interdisciplinary scholars.

Fellows receive funding for two years (beginning August 1, 2024, and ending July 31, 2026). This includes an annual stipend of $30,000, plus health insurance.

Deadline: December 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time

To Apply: Please visit:

Applicants must request letters of recommendation through the application portal by providing each recommender’s name and email address. Recommenders will be notified automatically once the form is complete. This can occur prior to the submission of the full application.

*** All letters of recommendation must be received by December 7, 2023 ***

*** Please note multiple documents can be submitted in the CV/Resume Box ***

*** Applications that do not contain all the required documents will not receive full consideration ***

For more information on Eligibility, Terms and Conditions, and frequently asked questions, visit the Woodson Institute’s website.

COVID Vaccination Requirement

One-year renewable Postdoctoral Research Associate focused on Africa or the African Diaspora

The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies at the University of Virginia (UVA) seeks applications for Postdoctoral Research Associates. We invite applications from scholars whose research focuses broadly on Africa and the African Diaspora. This is a one-year appointment, renewable for a second year beginning August 1, 2024. In addition to research, post-doctoral associates will teach one course each year of the residency. The appointment carries the title of Research Associate and Lecturer and pays an annual (12 month) salary of $50,000.

Please apply through Workday, and search for R0053685, via this direct link:

Internal applicants must apply through their UVA Workday profile by searching ‘Find Jobs.’ Complete an application online with the following documents:

3 Letters of Recommendation (signed originals only) by persons qualified to evaluate the proposals for which support is being sought. Letters of recommendation should be sent separately to:

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