Book Launches

All books launches take place in rooms near the publishers’ exhibition, at Pantheon, in the presence of the authors.

July 8th

Session 1
– Tshepo Moloi, Place of Thorns: Black Political Protest in Kroonstad since 1976, Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Odile Goerg, Fantômas sous les tropiques. Aller au cinéma en Afrique coloniale, Paris, Vendémiaire, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 2
– Didier Péclard, Les incertitudes de la nation en Angola. Aux racines sociales de l‘Unita, Paris, Karthala, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Tijo Salverda, The Franco-Mauritian Elite: Power and Anxiety in the Face of Change, New York & Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 3
– Timothy Raeymaekers, Violent Capitalism and Hybrid Identity in the Eastern Congo. Power to the Margins, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Veit Arlt, Stephanie Bishop & Pascal Schmid (eds), Explorations in African History: Reading Patrick Harries, Basel, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 4
– Francesco Correale & Juan Carlos Gimeno Martìn (eds), « Sahara occidental : mémoires coloniales, regards postcoloniaux », Les Cahiers d’EMAM, Études sur le Monde Arabe et la Méditerranée, n° 24, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Tanya Zack & Mark Lewis, Wake up, this is Joburg, series of ten photo books, Johannesburg, Fourthwall Books, 2014. (Room 6 (P_6))

– Launch of the ECAS 2015 book. Collective Mobilisations in Africa, Enough is Enough! Mobilisations collectives en Afrique Ça suffit !, Leiden, Brill/Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, June 2015. (Panthéon, P_Amphithéâtre 4)

July 9th

Session 1
– Marianne Lemaire (ed.), Lettres de Sanga de Deborah Lifchitz et Denise Paulme, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Morten Jerven, Africa: Why Economists Get It Wrong, London, Zed Books/International African Institute, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 2
– Dominique Darbon & Comi Toulabor (eds), L’invention des classes moyennes africaines. Enjeux politiques d’une catégorie incertaine, Paris, Karthala, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
Canceled – Nicole Khouri & Dominique Malaquais (eds), D’Afrique en Asie, d’Asie en Afrique : rencontres au coeur d’un monde globalisé, Mont-Saint-Aignan, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2015.

Session 3
– Paolo Gaibazzi, Bush Bound. Young Men and Rural Permanence in Migrant West Africa, New York & Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Nadège Chabloz, Peaux blanches, racines noires. Le tourisme chamanique de l’iboga au Gabon, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia, 2014. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 4
– Helen Dancer, Women, Land and Justice in Tanzania, Woodbridge, James Currey, 2015. (Room 2 (P_2))
– Samuli Schielke, Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration and Ambivalence, Before and After 2011, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

July 10th

Session 1
– Philip Harrison, Graeme Gotz, Alison Todes & Chris Wray (eds), Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg after Apartheid, Johannesburg, Wits University Press, 2014.  (Room 2 (P_2))
– Nadine Beckmann, Alessandro Gusman & Catrine Shroff (eds), Strings Attached. AIDS and the Rise of Transnational Connections in Africa, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.  (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 2
– Mayke Kaag, État, sociétés et islam au Sénégal. Un air de nouveau temps ?, Paris, Karthala, 2015.  (Room 2 (P_2))
– Celeste Hicks, Africa’s New Oil. Power, Pipelines and Future Fortunes, London, Zed Books/International African Institute, 2015.  (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 3
– Camille Lefebvre, Frontières de sable, frontières de papier. Histoire de territoires et de frontières, du jihad de Sokoto à la colonisation française du Niger, XIXe-XXe siècles, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015.  (Room 2 (P_2))
– Fred van der Kraaij, Liberia: From ‘The Love of Liberty’ to Paradise Lost, Leiden, African Studies Centre, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))

Session 4
– Johanna Siméant, Contester au Mali. Formes de la mobilisation et de la critique à Bamako, Paris, Karthala, 2014.  (Room 2 (P_2))
– Derek Peterson, Kodzo Gavua & Ciraj Rassool (eds), The Politics of Heritage in Africa: Economies, Histories and Infrastructures, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015. (Room 6 (P_6))