A network in excellence


The 2024 African Borderlands Research Network (ABORNE), an AEGIS CRG, holds its annual meeting this year in Nairobi, 11-13 September, co-organized with UNDP Africa Borderlands Centre and The International Peace Support Training Centre. The conference theme is ‘Resilience and Social Cohesion in African Borderlands’. Submission deadline: 12 April 2024. Contact and submission: abornetwork@gmail.com


The Faculty of History and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA), in association with St Antony’s College, propose to appoint to an Associate Professorship in African History. Application deadline: noon (UK time), Monday 22 January 2024. 

Ghent University (Belgium) has a strong focus on Africa, with over 450 ongoing projects with African partners, in each of its eleven faculties. Mapping all of these projects, making this expertise available to academic and non-academic stakeholders in Africa and beyond, and facilitating university collaboration between Ghent University and institutions in Africa, are the main objectives of the Africa Platform of Ghent University. Ghent University’s Faculty of Arts & Philosophy also boasts six ERC projects with Africa at its core. Read more here.